Biblioteca Judeţeană "Duiliu Zamfirescu" Vrancea

Zlotescu, Ioana

Personal Name: Zlotescu, Ioana
Agency: RO: BJVN
Works: 0 works in 6 publications in 2 languages
Trei nuvele exemplare şi un Prolog by: Unamuno, Miguel de (1864 - 1936) (Language materials, printed) Translator [730]
Delta Dunării = The Danube Delta by: (Twodimensional graphics) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
Biserici de lemn din Maramureș = Wooden Churches of Maramureș by: (Twodimensional graphics) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
Fortărețe dacice din Munții Orăștiei = Dacian Fortresses of the Mountains Orăștie by: (Twodimensional graphics) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
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