- Romanul psihologic românesc
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Protopopescu, Al. Dedicatee: Blecher, Max Dedicatee: Eliade, Mircea Dedicatee: Mihăescu, Gib I. Dedicatee: Holban, Anton Dedicatee: Petrescu, Camil Dedicatee: Papadat-Bengescu, Hortensia Dedicatee: Rebreanu, Liviu Author of afterword, postface, colophon, etc.: Andru, Vasile Statement of Responsibility: Al. Protopopescu Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: Cu o postfaţă de Vasile Andru Published: Paralela 45 Place of Publication: Piteşti Year of Publication: 2002 ISBN: 973-593-542-2 Edition: Ediţia a 3-a Description: 284 p. Language: Romanian Series: Deschideri. Istorie literară Subject: fantastic (temă Eliade) Subject: roman românesc (critică literară) Subject: roman psihologic Subject: critică literară română Subject: critică literară română roman Classification: 821.135.1.09 Classification: 821.135.09-31
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