- Mișcări mecanice : Soft educațional
Record Type: Multimedia: monographic
Author: Apreutesei, Maricica Author: Bozbici, Mirela Elena Others: Diaconu, Andrei-Cristian Others: Ghibirdic, George-Daniel Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Liceul Teoretic "Ioan Slavici" Panciu Statement of Responsibility: Prof. Apreutesei Maricica, Prof. Bozbici Mirela Elena Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: Elevi : Diaconu Andrei-Cristian, Ghibirdic George-Daniel Published: S.e. Place of Publication: Panciu Year of Publication: 2017 ISBN: 978-973-0-243355-0 Description: 80 min. Language: Romanian Subject: fizică Subject: mișcare mecanică Subject: profesori vrânceni Classification: 531
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