Biblioteca Judeţeană "Duiliu Zamfirescu" Vrancea

  • Confirmarea teoriei biostructurale prin microscopia electronică de înaltă tensiune = The confirmation of the biostructural theory by high-voltage electron microscopy
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Macovschi, Eugen
    Statement of Responsibility: Eugen Macovschi
    Paralel Title: The confirmation of the biostructural theory by high-voltage electron microscopy
    Published: Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică
    Place of Publication: Bucureşti
    Year of Publication: 1981
    Edition: Ediţie bilingvă
    Description: 60 p.
    Language: Romanian
    Paralel Title Link: The confirmation of the biostructural theory by high-voltage electron microscopy
    Subject: ediţie bilingvă română-engleză
    Subject: citologie
    Subject: biochimie
    Subject: biologie
    Classification: 57.012
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