- Întoarcerea Leviatanului rus : Cultura violenței și obsesia imperialismului
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Medvedev, Serghei Translator: Popescu, Alina Author of introduction, etc.: Popa, Cosmin Statement of Responsibility: Serghei Medvedev Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: Traducere din limba engleză de Alina Popescu
Prefață de Cosmin PopaPublished: Corint Books Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2022 ISBN: 978-606-793-997-2 Description: 400 p. Language: Romanian Series: Corint istorie Subject: Rusia Subject: politică Rusia sec. 21 Subject: politică internaţională Subject: politică imperialistă Subject: istoria Rusiei Subject: eseuri politice Subject: regimul Putin Subject: Putin, Vladimir Classification: 327.2(470+571)"20"(0:82-4) Classification: 821.161.1-4═135.1 Classification: 94(470+571)"20"(0:82-4)
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