- Dicţionar enciclopedic de biologie
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Mohan, Gheorghe Author: Ardelean, Aurel Statement of Responsibility: Gheorghe Mohan, Aurel Ardelean Published: ALL Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2004 ISBN: 973-684-518-4 Description: vol Language: Romanian Contain: Dicţionar enciclopedic de biologie. Vol. 1. A - L Contain: Dicţionar enciclopedic de biologie. Vol. 2. M - Z Subject: fond referinţă Subject: dicţionar enciclopedic biologie Subject: dicționar pe subiect Subject: dicţionar român Subject: biologie Classification: 57(031):81'374.2═135.1 Classification: 81'374.2:57(031)═135.1
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