- Anatomie patologică
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Others: Ardeleanu, Carmen Others: Hălălău, Florin Statement of Responsibility: Sub redacţia: Prof.Dr. Florin Hălălău, Conf.Dr. Carmen Ardeleanu Published: Editura Medicală Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2003 ISBN: 973-39-0495-3 Description: vol Language: Romanian Contain: Anatomie patologică. Vol. 1: Parte generală Subject: tumori maligne Subject: tumori benigne Subject: patologie Subject: patogeneză Subject: neoplazie Subject: medicină Subject: inflamaţie Subject: imunopatologie Subject: fiziologie patologică Subject: distrofii Subject: curs universitar medicină Subject: celulă Subject: boli Subject: anatomie patologică Classification: 616-092(075.8)
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