- Legendele Olimpului
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Mitru, Alexandru Author of introduction, etc.: Botez, Demostene Statement of Responsibility: Al. Mitru Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: Prefață de Demostene Botez Published: Editura Ion Creangă Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 1983 Description: 2 vol Language: Romanian Contain: Legendele Olimpului. Vol. 2. Eroii Contain: Legendele Olimpului. Vol. 1. Zeii Subject: literatură română Subject: legende şi mituri greceşti Subject: mitologie greacă Subject: literatură pentru copii Classification: 821.135.1-93-34 Classification: 821.135.1-34 Classification: 291.11(0:82-93-34)
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