Biblioteca Judeţeană "Duiliu Zamfirescu" Vrancea

  • Naţiunea poeţilor = The nation of poets = Poeetide rahvus = La nation des poètes = Het land van de Dichters = Die nation der dichter : Festivalul poeziei europene
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Book designer: Duijnhoven, Serge Van
    Book designer: Londersele, Roel Richelieu Van
    Book designer: Last, Gesine
    Book designer: Carp, Ioana
    Book designer: Drăguşanul, Ion
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: O antologie de Ion Drăguşanul, Ioana Carp, Gesine Last, Roel Richelieu van Londersele, Serge van Duijnoven
    Paralel Title: The nation of poets
    Published: Editura Muşatinii
    Place of Publication: Suceava
    Year of Publication: 2008
    ISBN: 978-973-7627-92-6
    Description: 510 p.
    Language: Romanian
    Paralel Title Link: The nation of poets]
    Paralel Title Link: Poeetide rahvus
    Paralel Title Link: La nation des poètes
    Paralel Title Link: Het land van de Dichters
    Paralel Title Link: Die nation der dichter
    Paralel Title Link: The nation of poets]
    Paralel Title Link: Poeetide rahvus
    Paralel Title Link: La nation des poètes
    Paralel Title Link: Het land van de Dichters
    Paralel Title Link: Die nation der dichter
    Paralel Title Link: The nation of poets]
    Paralel Title Link: Poeetide rahvus
    Paralel Title Link: La nation des poètes
    Paralel Title Link: Het land van de Dichters
    Paralel Title Link: Die nation der dichter
    Paralel Title Link: The nation of poets]
    Paralel Title Link: Poeetide rahvus
    Paralel Title Link: La nation des poètes
    Paralel Title Link: Het land van de Dichters
    Paralel Title Link: Die nation der dichter
    Paralel Title Link: The nation of poets]
    Paralel Title Link: Poeetide rahvus
    Paralel Title Link: La nation des poètes
    Paralel Title Link: Het land van de Dichters
    Paralel Title Link: Die nation der dichter
    Paralel Title Link: The nation of poets
    Paralel Title Link: Poeetide rahvus
    Paralel Title Link: La nation des poètes
    Paralel Title Link: Het land van de Dichters
    Paralel Title Link: Die nation der dichter
    Subject: poezii
    Subject: ediţie multilingvă
    Subject: literatură universală
    Classification: 82-1=00
    Classification: 82-822-1=00
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