- Oameni care au făcut istorie : Cele mai influente 100 de personalităţi ale secolului XX
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Whitelaw, Ian Author: Whitaker, Julie Translator: Iamandi, Petru Statement of Responsibility: Ian Whitelaw şi Julie Whitaker Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: Traducere de Petru Iamandi Published: RAO Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2010 ISBN: 978-606-8255-03-3 Description: 256 p. : fotogr. Language: Romanian Subject: lideri politici Subject: lideri mondiali Subject: scriitori Subject: personalităţi ştiinţifice Subject: personalităţi culturale Subject: oameni celebri Subject: biografii Classification: 008(100):929
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