- Sub semnul Minervei: femei de seamă din trecutul românesc
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Firoiu, V. Author: Ştefan, Irinel Marius Dedicatee: Stoenescu-Caragiani, Elena Dedicatee: Teodoroiu, Ecaterina Dedicatee: Moga, Cornelia Dedicatee: Papadat-Bengescu, Hortensia Dedicatee: Cuţarida-Crătunescu, Maria Dedicatee: Micle, Veronica Dedicatee: Ipătescu, Ana Dedicatee: Bibescu, Martha Statement of Responsibility: I.M. Ştefan, V. Firoiu Published: Editura Politică Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 1975 Description: 286 p.: fotogr. Language: Romanian Subject: personalităţi feminine Subject: femei România Subject: femeile şi societatea Subject: feminism Classification: 396(498):92 Classification: 061.3:396(100)"1975"
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