- Biologie : clasele XI-XII: pentru grupele de excelenţă^
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Anghel, Monica Profesor Author: Manole, Filomela Author: Kerekes, Adelhaida Author: Kósa, Maria Others: Dragoş, Nicu Others: Crăciunaş, Cornelia Statement of Responsibility: Prof. Monica Anghel, Prof. Maria Kósa, Prof. dr. Adelhaida Kerekes, Prof. Filomela Manole, Prof. Anca Podoleanu Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: Referent ştiinţific: Conf. Dr. Cornelia Crăciunaş
Director editorial: Nicu DragoşPublished: Studia Place of Publication: Cluj-Napoca Year of Publication: 2010 ISBN: 978-973-8390-55-3 Description: 190 p. Notes: Bibliogr. p. 181-182 Language: Romanian Subject: învăţământ liceal Subject: genetică umană Subject: acizi nucleici Subject: hormoni Subject: sistem nervos vegetativ Subject: compoziţie chimică celulă Subject: biochimie Subject: biologie Classification: 57:373.54 Classification: 373.54:57 Classification: 577
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