- Great Books of the Western World. Vol. 60. Imaginative literature
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Dedicatee: Beckett, Samuel Dedicatee: Orwell, George Dedicatee: Hemingway, Ernest Dedicatee: Brecht, Bertolt Dedicatee: Faulkner, William Dedicatee: Fitzgerald, Francis Scott Dedicatee: O'Neill, Eugene Dedicatee: Kafka, Franz Dedicatee: Woolf, Virginia Dedicatee: Lawrence, David Herbert (1885 - 1930 ) Published: Year of Publication: 1992 ISBN: 0-85229-531-6 Description: 582 p. Language: English Contained By: Great Books of the Western World / Editor in Chief: Mortimer J. Adler . - Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica, INC., 1992 . - 60 vol. Subject: carte în limba engleză Subject: literatură sec. 20 Subject: literatură Classification: 030.1=20 Classification: 82.09
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